The second edition of “Alexandru Fărcaș” International Voice Competition will open on September 9th. Talented young singers from across Europe are once again expected to participate this year, after last year’s high level of attendance.
All three selection stages will be public, the first two being set to take place during 9-11th September, at “Sabin Drăgoi” Art Highschool.
The third and final stage in the competition will consist in a concert with orchestra accompaniment, taking place on Saturday, September 12th, in the great hall of “Ioan Slavici” Classical Theatre.
The Laureate Gala will also be held at “Ioan Slavici” Classical Theatre, on Sunday, September 13th. All music lovers are invited to support and witness young musical talents, as the winners of the second edition of the “Alexandru Fărcaș” International Singing Contest will perform in a festive setting, along with the Orchestra of Arad Philharmonic.
The special guests and jury members of the competition are the vocal artists: Hasmik Papian (Austria), Mario Malagnini (Italy), Erdenetuya Balgansuren (Mongolia), Constantin Rîpă (Romania).
The deadline for entering the competition is September 1st – for more details, you can contact us by email artistic@filarmonicaarad.ro or by phone: 0040 257 281 554.
Regulations – English
Download – Application Form